martes, 7 de junio de 2011


1.    “He stirred in the water and made to swim.”(Life of Pi, page 98)
Stirred: v. To mix together the ingredients of before cooking with a spoon.
2.    “I leaned over and looked down at the bunk below.”(Life of Pi, page 101)
Leaned: v. To bend or slant away from the vertical.
3.    “I looked beyond the end of the tarpaulin.”(Life of Pi, page 108)
Tarpaulin: n. heavy-duty waterproof cloth, originally of tarred canvas.
4.    “The animal nervously peered beyond the boat.” ( Life of Pi, 113)
Peered: v. Look with difficulty or concentration.
5.    “As the horizon became a neat, sharp line, I scanned it eagerly.” (Life of Pi, page 119)
Eagerly: adj. Strongly wanting to do or have something.
6.    “The queerest thing about the reptile was simply that it was.” ( Life of Pi, page 123)
Queerest: adj. Strange; odd.
7.    “Orange Juice could had been one of this forlorn pets.” ( Life of Pi, page 129)
Forlorn: adj. pitifully sad and lonely.
8.    “Her back legs had given way and her balance on her front legs was woozy.”(Life of Pi, page 133)
Woozy: adj. informal unsteady, dizzy, or dazed.
9.    “Why, feel my brow! My forehead was wet with fresh, clean, refreshing, perspiration.” ( Life of Pi, page 142)
Perspiration: v. give out sweat through the pores of the skin as a result of heat, physical exertion, or stress.
10. “I build a raft.” ( Life of Pi , 148)
Raft: n. a flat buoyant structure of timber or other materials fastened together, used as a boat or floating platform.
11. “I gazed upon this urban hurly-burly like someone observing a city from hot- air balloon.” ( Life of Pi, 176)
Gazed: v. Look steadily and intently.
12. “All sentient life is sacred.”( Life of Pi, page 183)
Sentient:  adj. Able to perceive or feel things.
13. “The valleys we found ourselves in were so deep they were gloomy.”
Gloomy: adj. poorly lit, especially so as to cause fear or depression.
14.  “Twice I saw an albatross.” ( Life of Pi, 230)
Albatross: n. a very large seabird with long, narrow wings, found chiefly in the southern oceans.
15. “His butchered, dismembered body lay on the floor of the boat.” ( Life of Pi, page 255)
Butchered: n. A person whose trade is cutting up and selling meat in a shop.

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